The Road Less Traveled,
and the Long Road Home
It’s a long story and quite the miracle that these two folks
would ever meet to make some of the sweetest harmonies
and tell some of saddest stories in Americana music,
but here we are.
Double Entendre is Cheryl Mercer (lead vocals, keys);
and Jeff Levesque (vocals, string thingies).
Cheryl’s background started in the churches and the porches
around Muscle Shoals. Her muse led her to dip her toes in
many genres of the original music scenes in Nashville and
Memphis before relocating to Maine and answer her calling
to write, sing and play the acoustic-based music she was
hearing in her soul.
Jeff hails from Auburn, Maine. Growing up dirt-poor in a
decaying factory-town; Jeff sought solace in music early on
and left to pursue his muse in California. The winds of change
did not favor roots-based music and Jeff returned to Maine to
hone his songwriting on a smaller scale while caring for aging
parents and raising a family.
We hope you enjoy the stories Cheryl and Jeff spin and the
musical tapestries they weave.
We’re very excited to take you on the next step
of our musical journey.
Cheryl and Jeff